Thursday, April 10, 2014

Prayers- Weeks 7-9

Life has distracted me from my writing lately, but here is a recap of where I am:

The journey through this new series, The Story, has been eye opening.  It has opened my eyes to reveal some interesting things to me about ME.  Isn't that the point of scripture and study!!!  2 Tim3:16 says:

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, (ESV)

I have definitely been taught, rebuked, corrected, and trained over these last 9 weeks! I would describe the overarching theme as: Expand your definitions.

Definitions of what you might ask?  EVERYTHING....God's thoughts are no the same as my thoughts ...HIS ways are MUCH MUCH higher than mines...HIS vision sees MUCH MUCH farther than mine will ever see. I am constantly asking myself, what are God's thoughts toward this or that, what re mine, how do the 2 differ, and what MUST I LET GO of to receive and/or see what God sees??

Therefore, I pray to my Heavenly Father:
Continue to show me your ways, teach me your paths, and guide me in your truth. You are my God, my savior, and in you I place all of my hope. 

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