Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day 9: Know God's love

i know it, i have studied it. have i received it?? that is a whole other question. on this journey as a high C personality type this is a challenge for me. there are after all rules and regulations to follow, specific tasks to achieve, one MUST get it right in order to know, believe, and receive God's love???
Oh, i am SOOO glad His thoughts are not mine and his ways are higher. i am in the process of reading a few nights a week. like Gods-man, I too was an avid reader and writer in my youth. i find myself missing reading for pleasure a lot. sometimes i even blame it on my "inability" to finish a book. but i kow for sure that isnot true!! anyway, these quotes from Max Lucado's When God Whispers Your Name was particularly fitting for todays challenge:

"He loves each of us like there was only one of us to love"

1 comment:

Hall Family in MD said...

Such a simple yet profound statement.