Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Forget Your Best and Do the Rest!

my life as a HIGH C would be much easier if I could do this more often than not!! my ankle is hurting again. i wore heels (prob 2 inches) yesterday which is very unusual for me AND completed part of my C25K running program. So, i iced it last night. my BEST today is NOT skipping my planned exercise. i mean afterall i wrote it down and planned life accordingly and now i havbe to change???!!! i had a change of mind: instead of thinking the worst and fretting over not burning the max amount of calories (i need both ankles to do this!) possible today, i would do a lower impact yoga workout and not consume as many calories. so, i forgot my best option of burning max calories and did the rest. result: yoga was very relaxing and energizing at the same time!!

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