Monday, July 20, 2009

Did you get up this morning?

I have been teased recently by a certain someone over at god's-man because I am falling farther and farther down his blog roll. I would love to say that my hiatus from writing is over, but I am a bona fide overachiever. I cannot commit to another thing. Anyway, I wanted to post a few key points from my message yesterday. It was not recorded so if you were not there, you missed out!!! (P.S. since not too many people knew I was preaching my first sermon, there were quite a few that missed out). Here goes:

If you really want to remember today for its REAL significance, then you must seek God. He will direct your path in all areas and infuse you with energy, strength, hope and life along the way. When we seek God, we find him because there is a relationship. When we find him there is an encounter and his influence expands in our lives. Influence changes your perspective, and a changed perspective leads to a new life.

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