Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Week 4 – C.S.W.

6 weeks to GO!! Are you ready??? I’m not either, but it’s coming anyway…ha ha ha


Would anyone like to rid themselves of an ever present nuisance - C.S.W. (Could-a, Should-a, Would-a)?? Where did it come from??? How do we get rid of it???? I say RIGHT NOW, let’s pack its’ bags and sent it on its’ merry way. We are going to forge ahead, keeping our eye on the goal we have set for ourselves, and remember that last year, last month, last week, yesterday, an hour ago, and even 2 minutes ago is over!!! It is literally spilled milk that you nor I can drink. Sure, there are consequences of past behavior, but that does not prevent us from moving forward………..your latter WILL BE greater!!!

1 comment:

Carlton Matthews said...

I cannot believe that 2008 is almost over. I guess I shouldn't be surprised it comes at the same time every year. ;)

This is a quote that I say to myself as I am wlking into work every morning. "Day by day in every way I get better every day."