Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Don't Quit: Reactivating

Don’t Quit. No more slacking. Do your best and forget the rest!!!


I have to admit I have not been living this out the past 4 months or so. I won’t dwell on it, I will simply reactivate! I will do what I KNOW to do and what I KNOW works.


The Who: Me, Myself and I


The Why: because I have to live out what I will be teaching people. I am the leader going to the front line going before them to clear the road. I am the watchman on the tower scoping out the terrain for pitfalls and impending attacks.


The How:

·       workout: Hybrid - P90X, P90X Plus, exercise TV, 10K training

·       nutrition: p90x Phases 1,2, and 3

·       lifestyle: go to bed on time, prior planning, i.e. prioritize

Did I miss anything?





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